Review 738

This is an outstanding site. A lot of people are complaining of sites not being as good as they used to be or sites don’t compare to this site. Well this site is a site that people should be compared to.

Upon first entering the site, I noticed a completely original design. I have never seen a site that looks as smooth as this one. And it should look good considering the author is a graphic design person. The only flaw I found in the site was the blog area was too narrow. I like the blogging area to be wide, not narrow. To me, getting 3 maybe 4 words on a line is to small. However, this doesn’t detract from the weblog itself.

Every post to me was very entertaining. It was almost as if the site was a teacher that I enjoyed attending class for. Every post was interesting and stimulated my thinking. Some posts made me laugh very loud while others just had me thinking.

If you have an hour or so to just browse a site, this site is one you should look at. Besides the weblog, there are many other sections which I found to be of interest also.

Overall the site is a knock out. Everyone should be reading this site if they aren’t already. I cannot recommend it any more.

Cynthia, Inside