No, Marta, your navigation is not intuitive. I have just had to rewrite a review, because, it looked like you had only written eleven posts. Ever.
This is not the way to make me happy.
Fortunate for her that I found it, because now i’ve found some much better stuff.
This is a straight up weblog of the journal genre. The writing is passable and does the job, although occasionaly it’s inarticulacy becomes apparent.
It’s full of competent photography, that thankfully load quickly. They are well taken and definently add value to this site.
It looks stylish (considering it’s in beige and grey) but in my opinion the navigation is weak and keeping posts on seperate pages is the wrong choice.
Another commendable aspect is the passion and enthusiasm that this weblog is infused with, making it an uplifting read.
Worth a visit for the photography, and maybe the writing.sum1undercover