Review 948

Almiro Ricci is not related to the more famous, and let’s face it, more attractive, Christina. No, this Ricci is a Canadian software developer who classes himself as a Generation X-er; unfortunately none of that 90s angst is carried over into the blog content itself.

There’s not much to set this blog apart from the crowd. In fact, as far as I could tell, this blog is just a part of the crowd, although in its defence it is a very young site and needs time to grow.

The posts are generally related to comments about the news, local sports (and by local I mean Canadian) and the occasional blog about blogging. As one who has a great deal of experience of reviewing blogs, I treat self-referential posts with disdain, because they are often indicative of a lack of news. “The medium is not the message” is a phrase often quoted in modern blogging history, and it is a mantra that would be well-learnt by management types and beginning bloggers alike.Almiro Ricci