Review 961

Troubled Diva is not the celebrity weblog of Mariah Carey. No, it’s far more interesting than that.

Instead, this is the weblog of Mike Atkinson, a 40 year old Brit, who has a light sense of humour and the ability to share it with the world. It’s not often that such a thing happens.

Another feature of the site is the “40 in 40 Days” project, a kind of midlife crisis that resulted in reasoned and introspective literary output instead of the purchase of a big red car. It’s a series of short, highly personal stories written as the author approached his 40th.

If you’re tired of vitriolic outbursts, teenie boppers, and hackers with unpronouncable aliases, pay a visit to this happy-go-lucky diva.

A refreshing change, and worthy of a full site instead of the over-subscribed blogspot program.troubled diva